Canada coin making video

This is some of video I found on how coin made. You can see how shinning the coin before been produce. This video is about canada coin though. Just want to share them with you.

Do you wish to go back to the past

Sometimes, do you wish you can go back to the past and do something that you like. Looking at coin and banknote will make me wish something like that.

If can, I wish I can go back 50 years at 1958 only for one day should be enough. Why? Certainly because I want to go back and keep as many banknote and coin during that time. No need to keep $1, $5 or even $50 denominations.

This 1 sen coin also enough to make me happy millionaire today. This brilliant uncirculated 1 sen coin is priced at $45 Malaysia Ringgit. I just need around 25,000 pieces of this coin which been mintaged for 10,500,000. It will only cost me $250 Malaysia Ringgit. Do you wish to go back to the past now?

15,000 gathered in German town to build the world's largest jigsaw puzzle

An attempt to beat the current Guinness World Record holder for the largest assembled Jigsaw Puzzle has just been made last Sunday in Ravensburg, Germany. The town is already home to Europe's biggest puzzle maker but now can boast to be the home of the world's largest Jigsaw Puzzle maker as well.

About 15,000 jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts gathered and participated in the event that will claim the spot in the Guinness Book of World Records for the biggest assembled jigsaw puzzle. It is said that about 1,141,800 puzzle were assembled together in just as short as 5 hours. After all is done, a nearly 6oo square meter covered the town square.

A spokesperson of Guinness Book has revealed that the claim was already submitted but was not yet approved.

Well, there's no question about this, the attempt will succeed and Ravensburg will hold that Guinness World title.

Do you have Malaysia 1971 coin?

Do you have Malaysia 1971coin? Some people say that you maybe struck a fortune if you own one. Some seller put a million ringgit price for 1971 coin but is it really a pot luck?

Many people who wasn't acoin collector doesn't know the real story of 1971 coin. Most people think malaysia 1971 $1 coin is the much sought by collector. This $1 coin got a mintage of 2,378,995 and the price for brilliant uncirculated is just around $10 malaysian ringgit.

The real lucky pot is the 10cent domination. On the obverse is parliament house on a background of a moon crescent that represent Islam as the official religion in Malaysia. The fourteen pointed star represent the 13 states and the federal territory in Malaysia. On the reverse are the denomination of the coin, the year it was minted and on the sides are stylised design of the national flower, the hibiscus flower.

Why this 1971 10cent coin is a much sought after denomination for that year? It only has 32,236 mintage and the price for brilliant uncirculated is just around $200 malaysian ringgit. You need to sale at least 5,000 of this coins to become a millionaire.

For sellers out there who want to be a millionaire. Please make sure it wasn't a wrong denomination or collector like me will be laughing to a stupid daylight fraud you try. Please asked any long time collector or read a books about collecting.


Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri


Click gambar untuk memperbesar

Bulan penuh rahmat telah kita lalui

Hari kemenangan telah datang menanti

Sucikan hati dan jalin silaturahmi di hari yang Fitri

Selamat Hari Raya

Idul Fitri

1 Syawal 1429 H


Andai Kau Tau Rasaku Selama Ini

Andai kau tau rasaku selama ini

Apakah kau akan menyayangiku

Begitu dalam rasa ini untukmu

Bibirku berat untuk mengucap itu

walau sakit jawabmu untukku

karna kau tidak cinta aku

hidup sekali

hidup adalah pilihan

mungkinkah kau akan memilihku

hidup adalah anugerah

apakah kau anugerahkan untukku

hidup adalah berkah

salahkah bila kau berikan itu untukku

hidup adalah musibah

akankah musibah slalu kau berikan untukku

hidup adalah rasa

bukankah semua harus dirasakan

hidup adalah masalah

kenapa harus itu untukku

cinta adalah hidup

atas dasar apa smua ini tercipta untukku kalau bukan untuk itu

hidup adalah awal menuju kematian


Odd Photo of the Day

sexy back! whew...

Do you have $10 ringgit denomination right now

Do you have Malaysia $10 ringgit denomination with you right now? Please look at the upper left corner of the banknote. Do you see two dots for that banknote? Do you know what that dot for?

The dot is the Braille feature for the disabled people. The round Braille markings feature a layer of tactile ink printed in intaglio that can be felt by touching. This feature been implemented in
Malaysia currency starting from the 5th series banknote. Malaysia banknotes before that don’t have this kind of feature. You can read more from bank negara website:

I don't really know about the braille code but is something wrong with all the codes in Malaysia banknotes denomination? If you can see up here, this is a code for the 5th series $50 ringgit denomination. It got 5 dot and current $50 denomination only got 2 dot.

You can read more about braille here:

Am I reading a wrong code or got different braille code for banknotes? Why banknotes that been issued in 1981 got different code? Is any of you collector out there know about this?

Tun Dr. Mahathir; the forgotten Malaysia Prime Minister

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammed is the long serving Malaysia Prime Minister from 1981 until 2003 but is he already forgotten? Some people think he is a dictator and strongly related to ISA. While some other very grateful to him for the development of Malaysia.

Do you know that Tun Dr. Mahathir is the only Malaysia Prime Minister who isn't been feature in Malaysia Commemorative Coin? Even the current Prime Minister Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi already been feature in Ninth Malaysia Plan commemorative Coin series.

Malaysia 1st Prime Minister, TunKu Abdul Rahman been feature in at least 3 Commemorative Coin series. Prime minister Commemorative Coin series issued in 1971. 25th Anniversary of Indepence Commemorative Coin Series issued in 1982. 100 Years Of Tunku Abdul Rahman coin series issued in 2005.

Malaysia 2nd Prime Minister, Tun Hj Abdul Razak been feature in 2 Commemorative Coin Series. His potrait been feature in 3rd Malaysia Plan Commemorative Coin series issued by Malaysia Central Bank on 15 December 1976.

Malaysia 3rd Prime Minister, Tun Hussien Onn also been feature in 1 Commemorative Coin Series. His potrait been feature in 4th Malaysia Plan Commemorative Coin series issued by Malaysia Central Bank on 1 December 1981.

I wish Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammed will be feature in a new commemorative coin. He is also the longest serving Prime Minister in Southeast Asia. Maybe he don't want to be features in any Malaysia Commemorative Coin. Who know?


Malaysia 1st commemorative coin

Malaysia commemorative coin isn't a good investment if you are looking at their price value nowadays. Especially true for the coin that using nickel. Do you know what is malaysia 1st commemorative coin?

$1 1969 10th anniversary of malaysia central bank is the 1st malaysia commemorative coin. Malaysia central bank was established on 26 january 1959. On the obverse is a potrait of the 4th DYMM Seri Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong, Tuanku Ismail Nasiruddin Shah. On the reverse is the crescent moon representing Islam as the main religion in Malaysia and the 14 pointed star. Which represent the 13 states and the federal territory. At the bottom is a string of hibiscus flowers, malaysia national flower.

It have a mintage of 1,000,000 for nickel. The silver 0.925 proof have a mintage of 1,000. The current price for nickel brilliant uncirculated is RM20 and the price for proof is RM1,800. It is minted by hamburg mint, germany.

Malaysia banknotes: The most beautiful $5 ringgit

Malaysia don't have many design of banknote or coin. From 1967 until today, Malaysia $5 ringgit banknote only have 4 different design. Which one do you think the most beautiful $5 ringgit design?

For me Malaysia most beautiful $5 Paper money is the design of 5th series $5 ringgit banknote. It started been circulated on 16 january 1984 until 1985. It signed by Malaysia central bank governor Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Haji Taha. The short period of circulation is because it have some religious issue and people asked to stop the circulation. Is this true?

On the obverse is the potrait of the first DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Rahman. The overall is based on ''kain songket'' design. On the reverse is the official palace for first DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Dipertuan Agong, istana negara. On the top is a design taken from silver ring ornaments used by kadazan ethnic in sabah. At the lower right corner is a spray of morning glory flower Ipomea Calriea.

Top 5 Human Anomalies

It is uncommon to see people with odd genetic conditions or should I say inhuman features. Before, people that are struck with rare genetic abnormalities are often showcased in freak shows while some suffer from a lifetime curse being an outcast. Also, people with such atrocities are often subjects for medical experimentation, wherein doctors will promise them a better life where in truth, they are treated as specimens just to satisfy their curiosity.

I will share to you my top 5 choices of rare human anomalies:

Jean (or Juan) Baptista dos Santos (the man with 2 penises)

Myrtle Corbin (the four-legged lady)

Mademoiselle Gabrielle (the half lady)

Mme. Clofullia
(the bearded lady of Geneva)

Ella Harper (the camel girl)


Udang Goreng Tempura 01

Bahan :
500 gr udang windu
50 gr tepung maizena
2 btr telur, kocok lepas
200 gr tepung roti putih kasar
1/2 sdt garam
1/2 sdt lada bubuk
2 sdt air jeruk nipis
minyak goreng

Cara Membuat :
1. Kupas udang, tinggalkan ekornya, belah punggung dan lebarkan.
2. Rendam udang dengan air jeruk nipis, garam, dan lada, diamkan selama 15 menit.
3. Lumuri tiap udang dengan maizena, celupkan dalam telur kocok, balut tepung panir. Celupkan lagi dalam telur kocok lalu balut tepung panir. Lakukan sampai habis, simpan dalam lemari pendingin selama 15 menit.
4. Goreng udang berpanir dalam minyak panas sampai kuning kecokelatan.

Ayam Bakar Saus Lemon

Bahan :
10 potong paha ayam, ditusuk2 pake garpu
2 siung bawang putih di cincang halus
3 cm jahe di parut
2 sdm air jeruk lemon
2 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm minyak goreng
Garam secukupnya

Saus, campur jadi satu :
Air jeruk lemon dari 2 jeruk lemon
2 cabe merah, buang bijinya, cincang
1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus

Cara Membuat :

1. Rendam ayam dgn bahan2 diatas sekitar 30 menit.
2. Kemudian bakar ayam di bara api sambil sesekali olesi dgn sisa bhn bumbu perendam - sampai ayam kecoklatan (atau panggang dengan api kecil di wajan teflon yang sudah diberi sedikit minyak goreng supaya tidak kering, ditutup, tapi harus rajin ngebolak-baliknya)
3. Hidangkan dengan saus jeruknya.


Ayam Goreng Lengkuas

Bahan :
1 ekor ayam kampung, potong 8 bagian
200 ml air
2 btg serai, memarkan
2 lbr daun salam
2 lbr daun jeruk
1 sdt asam
minyak goreng

Haluskan :
6 bh bawang merah
4 siung bawang putih
5 btr kemiri
2 cm kunyit
200 gr lengkuas, parut
1 sdt garam

Cara Membuat :
1. Lumuri ayam dengan bumbu yang dihaluskan, masukkan dalam wajan, masak sambil diaduk-aduk sampai ayam berubah warna. Beri air, kecilkan api, masak sampai bumbu meresap dan air habis. Angkat dan sisihkan.
2. Pisahkan ayam dengan bumbu, goreng ayam sampai kering kecokelatan, angkat dan tiriskan.
3. Goreng bumbu sampai kering kecokatan, angkat dan tiriskan. Taburi ayam dengan bumbu kering.

Sup Sosis Sayuran

Bahan :

-250 gr fillet dada ayam, bersihkan
-750 ml air
-3 sdm minyak, untuk menumis
-300 gr wortel, kupas, potong melintang 1 cm
-1 batang daun bawang, iris halus
-200 gr sosis, potong 3 cm, bagi menjadi 4 bagian

Haluskan :
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 1 sdm merica
- garam secukupnya

Cara Membuat :
1. Rebus air dan fillet dada ayam sampai matang. Angkat dan saring. Potong fillet dada ayam 1 cm.
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus sampai harum. Angkat.
3. Masukkan 500 ml kaldu, bumbu tumis, wortel, daun bawang, sosis, dan potongan ayam. Aduk rata. Rebus sampai sayuran matang. Angkat.
4. Hidangkan

Keterangan: untuk 2 porsi

Daging Tumis Mayones

Bahan :

2 sdm mentega, untuk menumis
50 gr bawang bombai, iris tipis memanjang
2 siung bawang putih, memarkan, cincang halus
300 gr daging has dalam, iris se-ibu jari
2 sdm kecap manis
3 sdm kecap Jepang
1/4 sdt pala bubuk
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
250 ml air
100 gr mayones

Bahan :
1. Panaskan mentega, tumis bawang bombai dan bawang putih sampai harum
2. Masukkan daging, aduk-aduk hingga daging berubah warna
3. Masukkan kecap manis dan kecap Jepang, aduk rata.
4. Masukkan pala dan merica, aduk rata lalu tuangkan air
5. Masak sampai mendidih, masukkan mayones
6. Masak sampai bumbu meresap. Angkat.
7. Hidangkan.

Keterangan: untuk 4 porsi

Ayam Asam Pedas

Bahan :
1 ekor ayam dipotong 10 bagian
3 buah asam kandis
1 sendok teh garam
1 lembar daun kunyit
700 ml air

Bumbu Halus :
15 buah cabai rawit
10 butir bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
2 cm jahe
2 cm lengkuas

Cara Membuat :
1. Rebus air, bumbu halus, asam kandis, garam, dan daun kunyit hingga mendidih.
2. Masukkan ayam lalu masak di atas api kecil sambil sesekali diaduk.
3. Setelah kuah mengental, angkat dan sajikan.

Keterangan: untuk 6 porsi

Udang Goreng Gandum

Bahan :

300 gr udang pacet
50 gr tepung sagu
Minyak secukupnya, untuk menggoreng
100 gr margarine
4 butir kuning telur, kocok sebentar
15 gr cabai rawit merah, iris tipis
3 sdm daun kari
1 lembar daun pandan, iris tipis
12 gr gula pasir
30 gr gandum nestum

Cara Membuat :
1. Kerat bagian bawah perut udang, potong bagian sungut udang, kaki dan moncong udang
2. Lumari dengan tepung sagu tipis-tipis
3. Panaskan minyak, goreng udang hingga setengah melengkung.
4. Cairkan margarine dengan menggunakan api sedang, kecilkan api
5. Masukkan kuning telur sambil diaduk-aduk hingga berserabut. Aduk terus hingga rata
6. Masukkan cabai rawit, daun kari, daun pandan, dan gula
7. Masukkan udang goreng, aduk rata. Kemudian matikan api
8. Masukkan gandum sambil diaduk cepat. Angkat.
9. Tiriskan sambil ditekan-tekan.
10. Sajikan udang bersama remahnya

Asem-asem Iga

Bahan :

1 kg tulang iga, bersihkan, potong-potong
1 sdm minyak goreng
2 cm jahe, memarkan
2 batang serai, memarkan
2 cm lengkuas, memarkan
1 liter kaldu
1 sdm kecap ikan
1/2 sdm garam
1 1/2 sdt gula pasir
1/2 sdm asam jawa, larutkan dengan sedikit air
4 buah tomat hijau, potong menjadi 4 bagian
8 belimbing sayur, potong melintang 2 cm
2 batang daun bawang, potong 1 cm
2 buah cabai merah, buang biji, iris serong kasar
2 buah cabai hijau, buang biji, iris serong kasar

Haluskan :
6 buah bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
3 cm kunyit

Cara Membuat :
1. Panggang iga sampai keluar minyaknya, angkat, sisihkan.
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis bumbu halus, jahe, serai, dan lengkuas sampai harum.
3. Masukkan iga. Tuangkan kaldu, kecap, ikan, garam, dan gula pasir. Masak sampai mendidih.
4. Kecilkan api masak sampai iga empuk. Tambahkan air asam, potongan tomat, belimbing sayur, cabai merah dan cabai hijau. Aduk rata, masukkan daun bawang, angkat.
5. Hidangkan.

Chicken Fashion

I was inspired to post something today. After almost a month of stagnancy, finally I've come up with some extraordinary chicken photos to share. They're like models waiting to be showcased!


A quest for 1 dollar straits settlement coin

Sometimes, when you really want something, it will be very hard to achieve or get them. That's also happen to me in my quest searching for banknote and coins. I start collecting because of strait settlement coin.

One of straits settlement coin that still don't have in my possesion is 1 dollar king george V 1919-1920. I have been looking this particular item in internet, lelong, auction, coin trader, coin collectors, and currency collectors. This happen when I start working in penang in 2000. The best I could find is year 1919 at RM950 in AUNC condition in 2004. A very expensive price and overprice item. The seller knew I am looking for that particular item.

This year, I am lucky because stumble upon this coin again at a much cheaper price and better condition. I bought this 1920 king george V 1 dollar coin at RM450 in Amcorp Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. After 8 years, finally my quest to own this coins ended with a happy ending.


Safank Fank

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