Collecting banknotes and coins from zero.

Some of you maybe already have a banknotes or coins in your possesion but you're not an avid collector yet. You don't know what to do with your collection. You don't know the value of your item.

For a start, buy and read a catalogue or guide book about banknotes and coin collecting. The standard catalogue book by steven tan is the best book for malaysia, brunei and singapore. If that book is out of your budget, you can try kenali wang anda by eureka metro. This book is for 2006 but still can be a good guide for beginners. If you still cannot understand on how to do grading, books by k.n boon give and easy grading guide for beginners.

Try buy cheap banknotes and coins from your local numismatic sellers. Set a target, Malaysia one ringgit series is a good start for a small budget. Buy at least very fine condition notes and later you can ugrade the item to uncirculated.

If you are into coins, a good quality magnifier is a must. Magnifier is important for coins grading. You need them to check the condition of coins. Don't waste your money on cheap magnifier. After you become an avid collector then you will realize the cheap magnifier power not very good for coin grading. Buy a good magnifier that you can bring along with you.

Don't put your banknotes in normal plastic. In a long term, your banknotes will get an oil mark that come from that normal plastic. Invest on a good banknotes album.

After you buy your banknotes and coins, please don't forget to write down their price. Keep them in a log books. Don't forget to write down from whom you buy that banknotes and coins. All of this is for future references if you want to sale and want to know how much you already spend for your collection. Its also will guide you which seller giving you the best price and quality for your collections.


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