Top 5 Human Anomalies

It is uncommon to see people with odd genetic conditions or should I say inhuman features. Before, people that are struck with rare genetic abnormalities are often showcased in freak shows while some suffer from a lifetime curse being an outcast. Also, people with such atrocities are often subjects for medical experimentation, wherein doctors will promise them a better life where in truth, they are treated as specimens just to satisfy their curiosity.

I will share to you my top 5 choices of rare human anomalies:

Jean (or Juan) Baptista dos Santos (the man with 2 penises)

Myrtle Corbin (the four-legged lady)

Mademoiselle Gabrielle (the half lady)

Mme. Clofullia
(the bearded lady of Geneva)

Ella Harper (the camel girl)


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