Cleaning silver coin using torch?

Do you know that torch or fire can be used to clean your silver coin? I found a little bit odd cleaning silver coin method in YouTube yesterday. This guy are using Torch and acid dipping to clean his Australian silver florin coin. The YouTube user tozak1; not recommend cleaning coins that have any numismatic value as its a very quick way for you to devalue your coin back to its intrinsic value. tozak1 would only clean junk coins that are common ones and are just good for bullion value only. What I can see from his video, the method is actually work but tozak1 is not a coin collector. He is a junk item seller. He is sharing his video just to let people know how torch can be used to clean silver coin.

Only coin with raised dirt or something that cannot be cleaned with other method will be used using torch cleaning. He is using Butane with a small torch to burn it until it goes black and there is nothing left to the coin. From the video we can see how the coin isn't melt. He is using hydrochloric acid to dip the coins. After a few second, he take out the coins and put it in water. The coins then get polish using any metal polish chemical.

This is what he is writing on his video info:

So if you have some real grubby stuff then this is one to watch. I have tried many things over the years, baking soda, bicarbonate soda, vinegar, coke, lemon juice, sand paper, electrolysis, engine degreaser, CLR, coin dips, boiling salty water etc. I have found nothing works as well as this does.

I would only do coins up to 80% Silver, anything over that and you can clean with metal cleaner and a bit of elbow grease. The lower % stuff is usually the dirty stuff as it has more copper in it, which seems to attract the grit.

If using acid the please follow all safety directions on the container, use outdoors, wear gloves, goggles, face mask etc.

It's value is typically only what you can sell it for, IF it has no collectors value AND is extremely dirty (Black or Scalely) then possibly yes. Don't get me wrong I'm not advocating to clean coins I was just showing you that it's possible to clean the really dirty stuff. Coin collectors will always say not to clean coins but meanwhile a dirty common coin is worth nothing to them. However people like me who buy kilo's of junk coins for bullion value can see a benefit in having clannish scrap.

YouTube: tozak1

I just want to remind everyone again that tozak1 is not a collector. He is a junk seller who clean his common coins and are just good for bullion value only. He has been cleaning over 60 kilogram of silver coins before he posted this video in YouTube. If you want to try this, just make sure that the coins you're trying to clean using this method have no high value. Collecting isn't about how clean your coin is but how valuable your coin were. Cleaned coin will certainly lower its value. Avoid it if you can.

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