When looking for a story about ancient coin, I found this article about how for about 40 years, the Pernik Museum of History in Bulgaria had been keeping a coin hoard, weighing over 80 kilograms in a safe because the museum lacks of money for numismatic showcases. The hoard, once a part of the treasury of Alexander the Great (336-323). Some of the coins in the hoard are missing and the state authorites have been trying to find the missing coins for several decades.

Two farmers, father and daughter discovered the fabulous riches of gold in 1968 near the Breznik village of Rezhantsi. One night, the two of them had been ploughing a furrow in the field when the tractor crashed a large earthen pythos, the size of a big amphora. An amphora is a two handled greek vase with a swollen belly, narrow neck and large mouth.
The treasure - coins of pure gold and silver - was escorted by militia to the Pernik Museum of History, but the discoverers of the hoard, as well as some of the shepherds in the region, kept for themselves some of the coins. Some of the lost pieces were seized by the police and deposited for safe-keeping at the Sofia Museum of Archaeology.
The treasure - coins of pure gold and silver - was escorted by militia to the Pernik Museum of History, but the discoverers of the hoard, as well as some of the shepherds in the region, kept for themselves some of the coins. Some of the lost pieces were seized by the police and deposited for safe-keeping at the Sofia Museum of Archaeology.

The coins date back from the fourth century BC. They bear the images of Philip II of Macedon (359-336), his son Alexander III of Macedon and Paeonian ruler Patraeus (335-315). According to the experts, the gold hoard was meant for salary of Alexander the Great's army, which was defeated by the Thracian tribes in this region.
Until now, the biggest gold treasure in Bulgaria has not been exhibit and kept locked in a safe. According to Simeon Milyov, head of the Pernik Museum of History, the museum needs some 8,000 levs (1 euro=1.95 levs) to buy a numismatic showcase for the exposition of the priceless coins. Why don't the museum sell some of the coins in auction for the cost of the showcase? Isn't there any individual or company in Bulgaria that can help this museum to showcase a great numismatic collection like this?
Until now, the biggest gold treasure in Bulgaria has not been exhibit and kept locked in a safe. According to Simeon Milyov, head of the Pernik Museum of History, the museum needs some 8,000 levs (1 euro=1.95 levs) to buy a numismatic showcase for the exposition of the priceless coins. Why don't the museum sell some of the coins in auction for the cost of the showcase? Isn't there any individual or company in Bulgaria that can help this museum to showcase a great numismatic collection like this?
Source: Wikipedia, paper.standartnews.com
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