What will you do if someone trying to sell to you a one ounce Canadian Maple Leaf for $50 dollar? Do you dare to buy them? What the first thing that will be in your mind? Do you know that the current value of that coin is at least $1,108.00 dollar (when I write this post)? This is sound like a joke to anyone but in my opinion many people don't know the value of the gold coin and most of them think that this guy is trying to scam or do prank on them. This 6 minutes video end up with nobody take the precious gold coin.

Mark Dice from the The Resistance tries to sell a one ounce pure cold coin for $50 but nobody has a clue how much gold is worth, and nobody wanted it. He even asked If anyone will buy him a Starbuck coffee for this gold coin. Nobody even try to look at the coin if it its real or fake? A 999 Gold coin for 50 dollar, most people would not waste their time for a scam, maybe? I really wish I was there and buy that coin for $100 dollar.
Gold price has been up and reach its high record price at $1,123 per ounce on Thursday. The Gold record breaking trail for this recent weeks mainly because of the weaker US dollar. Many people is waiting until February 2010 and wish that the prediction that gold will achieve its record high at $1,400 per ounce. I myself try to find any gold coin for sale in the recent week but can only found few gold coins. Malaysia Kijang Emas is a hard find in any local bank nowadays. You need to booked your Kijang Emas, if you're lucky and someone want to sell them.
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Gold price has been up and reach its high record price at $1,123 per ounce on Thursday. The Gold record breaking trail for this recent weeks mainly because of the weaker US dollar. Many people is waiting until February 2010 and wish that the prediction that gold will achieve its record high at $1,400 per ounce. I myself try to find any gold coin for sale in the recent week but can only found few gold coins. Malaysia Kijang Emas is a hard find in any local bank nowadays. You need to booked your Kijang Emas, if you're lucky and someone want to sell them.
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