Doodling can sharpen your memory

Got memory gap? Do you want to sharpen your memory and improve your focus? Then start doodling and make it a habit. Wait! I know you are getting skeptical about this, but I've just read an article from the The Sun that says doodling can improve your memory and concentration. Commonly known as a sign of boredom, Doodling can actually help keep your mind focused.

This amazing discovery was made by a British scientist. A team from the University of Plymouth asked 40 respondents to remember names and places in a span of two and a half minute telephone message. 20 respondents were asked to doodle while listening to the message while the other 20 were asked to do nothing. The result? The group of doodlers recall more details from the message compared to the other group.

So what's the reason behind this? Well, scientist say that Doodling prevents one from daydreaming. It keeps your head out of the clouds and the brain on-focus.

In conclusion, people who have a frail memory or those who have a hard time concentrating should try Doodling.


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