Indonesian Students Fighting Against Their Own Friends

So sad to know that the fighting is happening here in Indonesia. So pathetic because they are not children anymore. So silly because they are well educated person – or maybe not. Students are fighting against their own friends for something that is not so important, like the score of football game, losing girl’s attention, or some other ‘silly’ causes.

I don’t understand why they are easily fall into this madness. Don’t their mind already full with what they learn in the campus? Or because there is nothing to think of when they are ‘in’ the class. Or maybe I’m just a different type of person compared to them.

There is one more thing I regret, the campus authority didn’t give any punishment or penalty to the students who were involved in the fighting.

Mahasiswa Tawuran 17 November 2008 (4) Mahasiswa Tawuran 17 November 2008 (5) Mahasiswa Tawuran 17 November 2008  Mahasiswa Tawuran 17 November 2008 (2)

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