A Pregnant Woman with 2 Reproductive Systems?

I don't know what's really going on in this world. The last time I've posted about two amazing births (the black and white twins), I was like "WHAATT?". And now, another odd medical case has struck me again - a pregnant woman with 2 reproductive organs? Hell yeah!

This is about Lindsay Hasaj, a sales worker from North London who has 2 uteruses, 2 cervixes, and 2 vaginas. This rare condition is said to occur to only 1 in a million women. Lindsay never knew that she has 2 reproductive systems until she got pregnant and been complaining about abdominal pains. After undergoing some medical tests, that's it! Doctors revealed that she has a rare condition called uterus didelphys. Though this odd condition is really rare, Lindsay is expected to have a healthy pregnancy, but she needs medical check-ups every now and then. The baby is due on July. Wow! Isn't this story amazing?

Read more about her story by clicking this..


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