The myth about 'Unicorns' must've rooted from this kind of animal anomaly or genetic flaw. The photo above reveals a single-horned deer that was found in a reserve park in Rome, Italy. Looking at it will surely give you a glimpse of the much fabled, mythical Unicorn. But, scientifically speaking, it's a kind of genetic flaw or should we say a factory defect caused while it is still in its developmental stage or it could also be the result of a trauma in the animal's early life.

This one-year old deer was nicknamed 'Unicorn' and was said to be born in captivity in the research center's park in the Tuscan town of Prato, near Florence, Tozzi. Experts said that single-horned deers are rare but not unheard of, most especially the central positioning of the horn. Commonly, anomalies like this may cause the horn to grow just on one side rather being at the center. So, since Unicorn's horn is positioned exactly at the center portion of its head, its case is said to be complex.

special thanks to my co-blogger Homar for this feed


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