
I was telling myself for weeks to service my car tyre.
Today is the day to do so and I screwed up by waking up so late.
Last night was an interesting and crucial night for me.
I did brainstorming to myself on how to improve my online income.
I just need to make it work aggressively.

Oh ya! talking about my car tyre .... yeah! once I wake up late and the sun rose to my head I wouldn't want to get out from home anymore. Yeah! kind of Princess who could not take any heat to skin ehehehe....

End up on the online tutorial for 4 hours until my spine feel like freezing. Ah! I so need a Thai Massage after this.

I have a good feeling on my latest project this time. Suddenly my confident level shoot up over my head. :) I like this feeling....Who knows people from overseas may invite me to be their speaker.... and I will spend my time earning to talk to people and same time travelling around the world.... mmmm never know... its all depends on God Will... only God knows... I just work towards long as I am not lazy and resent... I will survive well here on earth. I am preparing the same for next life too...

But today's newspaper was the worst! The worst Tsunami in Japan killed claim many life.... Disaster everywhere...


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