My Independence Day Celebration

On 30th Aug 2010, I woke up with a half dead body.
I was purging and my head feel heavy and my body was aching.
I was unwell since the past few weeks and that morning was the worst.
I drove to work with half eyes open and manage to reach Citibank Tower safely unhurt.

When I reach office , locked my room door and continue sleeping on the carpet , dirty or not dirty I don't give a damn anymore. All I care my head feel very heavy and body feeling so weak.

Start 8.30am, I am trying my best to maintain strong in front of everybody. Yeah! again try to be wonder woman!
By 1.00pm, again I locked myself in my room and lie down flat on the floor. Make thing worst, I was fasting and forgot to bring my jacket. It was so cold and my sickness still there and getting worsen. I keep telling myself , I need to be strong and tomorrow is a holiday, I can rest and rest and rest. I was waiting for 5.30pm to drive back home.

Guess where am I on eve of Independence Day???
This is the history of my life for the 1st time, lying on the hospital bed with dripping stuck into my body . I was coughing non stop and purging like mad. My body was so weak and feel like dying. I refuse to be admitted as usual my stubborness over everything!
This is the cause of Viral Attack to my body.

I forced myself drove back home and admit myself on my own bed.
when everybody shouting Happy Independence day when the clock struck 12.00, I was dozzing off with antibiotic, sleepy cough medicine and 3 tabs of sleeping pills.
I only awake at 1.00pm the next day with hope I could recover but yet I feel the same.
I am back to sleep after another 3 tabs of sleeping pills with hope if I happens to wake up and I feel much more better.
I only wake up at 8.00pm and then continue with another 2 tabs of sleeping pills to continue sleeping to the next morning.

I only wake up on 1st Sep 2010 at 5.00am for morning breakfast.
My wish to only wake up when Aug end comes true!!!!
Although, i still feel weak and my body still aching but not as bad as the past 2 days.

I hope I could recover, I still throw up when I eat something so I end up drinking. Then here goes the minor purging.... ah!!!! hope my body system back to normal again...


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