Hot issues by 4 minutes

Hot issues song by 4 minutes may have their own hot dance and entertaining. My hot issues today make me hot more than red hot chilli pepper.
1st issue -Cleaning the dirt
When my cleaning job is still a cleaning job on people shit!
Yeah! when the dirt was swept away under carpet for ages. One day it will explode, bursting the shit out! We will have hell time to do the cleaning. In this case it has gone through many sweeper and now the new cleaner get the contract and her job is do the thorough cleaning. The main obstacle is the stubborn owner who never ever want to admit on his dirty house. He is still thinking the house is cleaning and the previous sweeper are doing good superstar job. Yeah right! ...the cleaner is having the hard time explaining the whole concept of creative sweeping is just a temporary solution to look clean.
2nd issue - Non performer need to go
I was doing a lot of thinking these few weeks. One side is compassion and the other side is just merely result. As a professional I still choose result over compassion. After numerous chances given, and no improvement from the is the breaking news. I feel totally bitches out of me! but result is the most important at this point of time.... I have to.Teary eyes in front of me does not melt me down. I have no regret , only a wish this could be other good news.What goes around comes around... I just hope god understand my intention just purely my work and duty for person who pays me.
3rd issue - Headhunter vs Recruitment Agency
We totally choose headhunter with hope they could fish out talent from competitor or indutries. Their fees is overcharged. They bragged too much but the result is totally crap and qualify to be in the dustbin.
They robbed you 25% out of candidate annual package offer. No guarantee on getting the candidate in.
Recruitment Agency - we will opt for this people because we dont have time to go through the 1st and 2nd selection process. they will charge you at least one month salary of the candidate and now they are starting to charge at least 130% of the monthly salary depending on position.
Both method? I will choose Recruitment Agency if I dont have time to go through the resume and do the calling one by one.
Both method get their candidate via recruitment advertisment.
But hey .... if you need to have a professional like me to go through the 1st and 2nd selection process. Just email me at or just visit my website I am not recruitment agency but a professional who provide administrative and business services. You could leave the tedious process with me and could be more focus to bigger thing.
4th issue - June is coming
June is approaching and I hope to finish all unfinish business soonest possible to leave in peace. My girls will be in place and everything back in track for this company.
Hope everything alright for me to move on to next level soon.... cindyrina fighting....


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