Cut Tari: Indonesian Are So Forgiving

Cut Tari was so happy to know that her name appears as a nominee for Favorite Infotainment Presenter on the Panasonic Awards 2011. In this category, Cut Tari will compete with Fenny Rose, Indra Herlambang, Ruben Onsu, and Irfan Hakim.
"Personally, this achievement is really a pride." Cut Tari added. She never expects that her name will appear on that list. She understands that people could be angry  because of her hot porn videos with Ariel recently. She is well prepared to be left aside from her previous life. So, the fact that people are still need her, it means Indonesian people love Cut Tari. What about you? Are you happy to see her back to stage?

Cut Tari so Beautiful Among those who are nominated, almost all off them are all Cut Tari’s seniors. Considering her case with Ariel, Cut Tari was so surprised to know the list of the nominees. Cut Tari said that the jury are fair enough for the game. She doesn't care whether she will win the award. To be included on the list is the biggest gift she has ever get after the trial of her porn video.

Cut Tari is ready to go back to her work as Indonesian entertainer. She is also expressing his gratitude to the Indonesian people that are so forgiving for the mistake she had done with Ariel. Second chance, that’s the most valuable thing she needs.

credit pics: Kompas


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